Graduate Level Intern - Clinical Pastoral Education
Caron Treatment Centers is looking for Clinical Pastoral Education interns who are interested in working with patients who have alcohol, substance use and behavioral addictions. Preferred candidates would be enrolled in, or have graduated with, a Master’s degree (preferably Seminary or other Spiritual learning path). Ministry/Spiritual leadership experience will also be seriously considered for this position. We strongly recommend that any candidate who is in recovery from substances or alcohol, have at least 2 years of continued sobriety or abstinence.
Clinical Pastoral Education Interns receive full supervision and education as they train to work with patients in Caron’s core programming units, both through individually as well as group sessions. Interns will first shadow and observe Spiritual Care staff in an individual session (or group), and will, in turn, be shadowed by their supervisor, before they are able to hold sessions on their own, at which point, the clinical Verbatim which is presented in class will help the Intern gauge feedback about their clinical work experience.
Pennsylvania Clearances, Urinary Drug Screen and TB Test
Please note that you are responsible for completing and sending us these requirements prior to receiving a confirmed offer for this program. You are also responsible for the fees. Caron does not reimburse for these.
An offer to the program will be finalized once these are received and meet our hiring requirements for this program.
Internship Programming Fee
Unit costs differ depending on placement location.
Hours for the part time Fall and Spring programs are flexible, with 18.75 hours of clinical work and 6.25 classroom hours.
There are also opportunities if you are already working in a Ministry setting and would like to keep your work to that environment. We would need to enter into a site affiliation agreement with your clinical ministry site.
When applying for this role, please include the following:
1. Please write a reasonably full account of your life. Include, for example, significant and important persons and events, especially as they have impacted, or continue to impact, your personal growth and development. Describe your family of origin, current family relationships, and important and supportive social relationships (no more than two pages).
2. Please write a description of your spiritual growth and development. Include, for example, the faith/cultural heritage into which you were born/what you identify with now and describe why you were drawn/called to the CPE/Spiritual Formation process, including any expectations you have for CPE (no more than 2 pages).
3. Your impressions of Clinical Pastoral Education. Indicate if CPE is being required of you. Indicate any learning goals or issues of which you are aware and would like to address in CPE. Finally, indicate how CPE may be able to help you meet needs generated by your ministry/vocation or call to ministry/vocation. If you have had prior CPE, please indicate the most significant learning experience you had during CPE. Indicate strengths and weaknesses that you have as they relate to your ministry/vocation and your identity as a professional caregiver.